Sunday, 5 February 2012

My Film Questionnaire

Film Questionnaire


1.     What is your favorite type of film?
A)    Horror
B)    Comedy
C)    Sci-Fi
D)   Action
E)     Other___________________

2.     Name a film from the genre you have chosen, that you have enjoyed. What did you like about this film?

3.     Do you watch many horror films, if yes, what film did you like most and why?

4.     What kind of plot would you ideally use in a horror film?

5.     What kind of things would you expect, or like to see in this horror film?

6.     What kind of age range would you use for this film?
A)    12-15
B)    15-18
C)    18+
D)   Other

Thank you for completing this questionnaire.
I have created a questionnaire so that I had an idea of the kind of film I should choose, and what kind of things I should include in my film. I asked a group of my friends as they were my initial idea for my target audience of older teenagers. I first asked what kind of film genre people liked the most. The genre of horror was a particular favourite, and so I decided to stick with my initial idea of a horror film. I then went on to ask what horror films were the favorites among the people I asked. I did this so that I could carry out research on some of these films. Popular choices of horror film included The Grudge, The Ring and Saw. I also wanted to know what kind of things people liked or expected to see in a horror film. Some popular choices were deaths, mystery and ghosts.
Another question I asked was about the kind of plot. This was useful because I was able to change or add to my own ideas. I asked about the age range so that I could make the film appropriate to the audience, I decided to make the age range 15-18, or older. I chose this age group because I found in my research that the majority of horror films were suited to this target audience. This is because younger/older children would find them scary, or more difficult to understand.

Carrying out this questionnaire was useful because it gave me a guide on the genre, plot and audience I should use in my own product. I was able to research the suggested horror films and use them for more ideas.

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