Wednesday 7 March 2012

Script For Filming My Opening Sequence

Script for Opening Sequence of My Film

Opening titles
Distant chat amongst group of friends whilst walking up the hill
Character 1: Hey guys! I’ve heard there’s this really spooky place further up the hill. It’s supposed to be the most haunted place around here.
Character 2: Oh come on! I doubt we’re gonna find anything that interesting round here!
Character 3: Well why don’t we just check it out?
First 3 characters walk on while others follow
Arrive at location
Character 3: Well is anyone actually gonna go in then?
All look and mumble amongst one another
Character 4: Oh my days, I’ll go shall I?! Honestly you guys….
Character 4 walks in the building while the group of friends run and hide as a joke
Character 4: (From inside) You guys don’t seriously think there’s ghosts in here right? Laughs Guys? Guys?
Camera while inside, pans around the room
A quick shot of outside the building
While inside, see the kidnapper’s arms reach and grab the victim
Screams can be heard by the friends outside
Friends run in to find their friend has gone missing
End of opening


This is the script that I have used for my opening two minutes. It worked well when making my film, although I had to make a few changes. For example, I took out Character 3's lines and gave them to Characters 1 and 4. I did this because it made the film easier to follow. I added in some different shots so that I didn't have similar shots all the way through the film. I also cut some parts out which I thought wouldn't work, for example, the friends running away and hiding. I also did this to save time, as I didn't think it would fit in well with the rest of the sequence.
For the actions I scripted to be at the of the sequence, I have decided to make them so they don't all appear at the end. When editing, I will change them around so we see them at various points in the opening. Overall, the sequence of my script worked well.

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